Monday, June 28, 2010


I slept in today. Yep. I managed to rouse myself from slumber at a respectable 7:30 am. What time was I supposed to be at work? 6:30. So what? No one missed me. Oh they knew I wasn't there, they just didn't miss me. I mean... realistically, I'm a worker bee. A peon. A serf, if you will. Sure, I've got the most experience on this aircraft. Let's not forget I've got the most time in service in there, and I outrank the shit out of everyone... if I was to literally drop off the face of the earth, I'm fairly certain the only problems that might be encountered in my absence would be difficulty getting into my locker. I'm strangely content with this.

So, I sauntered in to my shop at roughly quarter to nine sporting BDU's and a huge grin. Jermel, one of the trainees is sitting at the break area table, is eyeballing me...

"The fuck you so happy about? You musta gotten laid."

Now, we all know that's clearly not the case, and I'm not the type to kiss and tell... especially when they didn't happen in the first place. I made sure to relate this to him in my own special way...

"Go fuck yourself... you know that didn't happen."

Most of the sentences that come out of my mouth contain at least one swear. I promise you I'm not the minority. Truth is that I felt good. I got a full nights sleep, and I was in a good mood. I'm pretty sure that if I could come in to work at 9 everyday, I'd probably be a completely different person. But, it is what it is...

I've been in a pretty good mood lately because someone is on my mind. I'm not gonna call her out on here, because I'd rather not embarrass her. Maybe I wanna keep her guessing? Ha... that would never work. Anyway, I scurry into the small office to see if she's online. She's not. By the way, can I just say that even after a month I'm still finding being able to access facebook, myspace and youtube on government computers incredibly bewildering? Because I do. I'm quite sure I'm being spied on in some fashion, but that's okay. I've got nothing to hide. Not really, anyway.

So, yeah. On a typical day, If I'm not toiling on an aircraft doing pedantic tasks that I've done a thousand times before, I'll find myself behind the computer. One of my favorite things to do is to read wikipedia. Yep. I'll see some shit on the news, or history channel... or maybe something will just pop into my head. I'll look it up, read about it, and I'll usually link to something else that I find interesting from there. This is a vicious cycle. I have no idea how I transition from reading about the Baldwin brothers to tse-tse flies to the Darul Aman Palace in Kabul. It happens, and it's befuddling.

So, most of my computer time consists of having wikipedia open on one screen, and facebook open on the other. Usually I'm chatting with "her". If I'm not, I'm wishing I was. I'm not going to get too strange about it because I'm sure she's reading this. Hi Her! Anyway, moving on...

After confirming that no conversation was in my near future, I decided to do some work. Sounds crazy right? Well, it's not that I don't like to work. Quite the contrary. I love working, but I have to be able to do it and finish it. I have a hard time dealing with halfway. Also, these are things I've done hundreds of times. I don't need the training, but the newbies do. But for some reason I said fuck it, and went out to overhaul a brake. Don't believe me? Check it...

Yep. That grotesque looking individual is indeed me, which is I. I stepped out of the office to a very loud "what the fuck are you doing out here??". Disbelief seems to be the default reaction now. I pretended to ignore them, and as I started pulling brake parts off the shelf, I smugly replied "At least one of these brakes has to be built right". Laughter ensued, and it wasn't with me. Fuckers.

So, I actually endured quite a lot of heckling. Dave actually took a picture to document it. Dick. So yes, I did some work today. Big fuckin deal. Quality assurance stopped by and took a picture of me working also, which is twice in as many weeks. I'm pretty sure they're building some sort of case against me for when I'm inevitably courts marshaled. Whatevs.

All in all, it was a pretty decent day. No one died as a result of my actions, which is always a plus. I hate when that happens. Her got some good news, which I'm pretty sure made her hella happy, which made me hella happy. There were spatterings of disappointment, which were my fault completely. Good things come to those who wait.

So, I'm gonna wrap this rant up. Stay Black, America.

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